About Tanzania

Tanzania is the biggest country in East Africa with around 62 million people, surrounded by 8 neighboring countries which 6 of them are landlocked.

The country has the fastest high rising economy in the region, focusing on trade, tourism, agriculture, mining and the development of its national infrastructure for future capacity to accommodate local and international business growth.

In spite of volatile world commodity prices and increasing fiscal pressures, Tanzania’s economy remains strong, with relatively rapid growth; low inflation; and a stable current account deficit.

Tanzania has the most touristic attraction destinations in East Africa located in the tropical Zanzibar Island and also the capital of the African safaris – Kilimanjaro region which has the highest mountain in Africa and the most popular safaris in the world.

Dar es Salam is an economical city with around 6 million people with the biggest seaport in East Africa providing services to its all-8 neighboring countries. The city is growing fast and is estimated to host about 10 million residents by 2030.

Tanzania has a lot to offer in many business fields with national and international opportunities that might skyrocket as this country is getting closer and closer to dominating key areas in the region as it grows.