
The government of Tanzania has embarked on a major sector reform process under the Ministry of water targeting rural and urban water upgrades for wider and better distributing and of water to meet the current supply-demand in the country, whiles minimizing water loss in the proses.

The government went thought Decentralization in the water sector, that is responsible for water and sanitation service provision has shifted to local government authorities and is carried out by 20 urban utilities and about 100 district utilities, as well as by Community Owned Water Supply Organisations in rural areas.

These reforms have been backed by a significant increase in the budget starting in 2006 when the water sector was included among the priority sectors of the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty.

Water has become one of the highest priorities in the current government agenda as many national projects are being promoted in several regions in Tanzania with the aim of the establishment of sustainable water infrastructure in all the regions of Tanzania. 


The Ministry of Water will focus on the construction of major strategic dams during the next financial year so as to increase the supply of safe and clean water across the country.


The government of Tanzania is working hard to upgrade and spread its transmission and sanitation water infrastructures in the country to improve access to safe water in rural and urban areas in Tanzania.